
总会章程 2019 (In English)




The name of the Association shall be called “SINGAPORE LEE CLAN GENERAL
ASSOCIATION” (hereinafter referred to as “the Association”)


The place of business of the Association shall be at No. 363-A Jalan Besar,
Singapore 208994.

The object of the Association is to foster relationships among members of the
Association (“Members”) bearing the surname “李(Lee)”, so as to promote unity,
mutual co-operation, and education.


(A) Membership of the Association is open to all Singapore citizens and Singapore
permanent residents above 18 years old and bearing the surname of “李(Lee)”.
Applicants should also be law abiding and of good character.


(A) Applicants who wish to become Members must fill in the application form as
may be prescribed by the Association from time to time and applicants will
only be admitted with the recommendation of a Member.
(B) An individual who wishes to be a Member, apart from filling in the application
form and payment of entrance fees (of $100/- or as may be determined by the
Executive Committee (defined below) from time to time), shall have to be
approved by the executive committee of the Association (the “ExCo”) at a
meeting of the Association.


The entrance fees shall be for such amount and payable at such intervals as
proposed by the Executive Committee from time to time. New Members shall pay
the entrance fee of S$100 within one (1) month of becoming a Member.


(A) Any Member who changes his personal details (including but not limited to
address and contact number) must report to the Association within two (2)
weeks of such change.
(A) All embers shall have:

(i) the rights to be elected if the Member in question has been a Member for
not less than 24 calendar months or the ExCo may at its regular meeting
waive this 24 month requirement); and
(ii) the rights to speak and vote at general meetings of the Association.


Each Member shall:
(i) abide by the Constitution of the Association (“the Constitution”);
(ii) abide by all the decisions of the Association; and
(iii) not act in any way inconsistent with the Constitution or in any manner
detrimental to the interest or welfare of the Association.


The following committees shall be elected once every two (2) years at the annual
general meeting of the Members of the Association:
(A) Standing Committee – six (6) Members;
(B) Executive Committee – twenty six (26) Members;
(C) Honorary Auditors – two (2) Members;
(D) Supervisory Committee – six (6) Members; and
(E) Committee of Trustees of Property – three (3) Members.


The administration of the Association shall be in the hands of the ExCo.
(1) Composition
(A) The Executive Committee shall be elected by the Members of the
Association as provided for in this Constitution. Members elected into the
Executive Committee shall by secret ballot elect the office-bearers as
provide for in Article XI (1) (B).
(B) The Executive Committee shall consist of the following:
(i) one (1) President;
(ii) two (2) Vice-Presidents;
(iii) one (1) General Secretary;
(iv) two (2) Assistant General Secretaries;
(v) one (1) Treasurer;
(vi) two (2) Assistant Treasurers;
(vii) one (1) Social Secretary;
(viii) one (1) Assistant Social Secretary;
(ix) one (1) Culture and Education Secretary;
(x) one (1) Assistant Culture and Education Secretary;
(xi) one (1) Recreational Secretary;
(xii) one (1) Assistant Recreational Secretary;
(xiii) one (1) Youth Secretary;
(xiv) one (1) Assistant Youth Secretaries;


(xv) one (1) Woman Secretary;
(xvi) one (1) Assistant Women Secretary;
(xvii) one (1) Publications Secretary
(xviii) one (1) Assistant Publications Secretary
(xix) five (5) Ordinary Executive Committee Members.
(2) Powers
The ExCo shall have powers to:
(a) appoint sub-committees and exercise control over such sub-committees;
(b) invite members to participate in its deliberation, such members shall not
have the rights to vote;
(c) accept the resignation of any member of the Executive Committee or any
other Committee of the Association and fill the vacancy thus arising when
(d) call all meetings of the Association notwithstanding any other provisions of
this Constitution; and
recommend at its meeting the removal of the name of any member from the
register who has acted in a manner detrimental to the good name of the
(3) Duties
The Executive Committee shall:
(a) be responsible for carrying out the objects as laid down in the Constitution;
(b) carry out resolutions of general meetings of members;
(c) control the finance of the Association and manage all the properties of the
Association; and
(d) appoint Members to fill any vacancies in the Executive Committee.
(4) Powers and Duties of Executive Members
(a) The President
i) The President shall be the chairperson of the ExCo.
ii) The President shall have the rights to call meetings of the ExCo.
iii) The President shall have the casting vote.
iv) The President shall represent the Association in its external affairs.
(b) The Vice President
i) In the absence of the President, the Executive Committee shall appoint
one (1) of the Vice Presidents to act for the President.
ii) In the event of the President’s position falling vacant, the Executive
Committee shall appoint one of the Vice Presidents to succeed the
position of the President.
iii) The Vice President shall assist the President in his duties.
(c) The General Secretary
i) The General Secretary shall be in charge of the Association’s records
and conduct the correspondence of the Association.

ii) The General Secretary shall be responsible for all the publicity of the
Association’s projects.
iii) The General Secretary shall be responsible for all matters relating to
the convening of meetings of the Executive Committee.
iv) The General Secretary shall keep the minutes of all such meetings.
v) The General Secretary shall submit at such meetings any matter for
discussion received from members of the Association.
vi) The General Secretary shall submit on behalf of the Executive
Committee the annual report of the Association at the annual general
vii) The General Secretary shall be responsible for all matters relating to
building and construction.
viii) The General Secretary shall be responsible for all matters relating to
the maintenance of all Association buildings, facilities and equipment.
ix) In the event of the Executive Committee going out of office before the
completion of its term, the General Secretary shall submit on its behalf
a report of the Association covering its period of office to the General
Secretary of the incoming committee within four (4) weeks.
(d) The Assistant General Secretary
i) The Assistant General Secretary shall assist the General Secretary in
his duties
ii) In the event of the General Secretary’s position falling vacant, the
Executive Committee shall appoint one of the Assistant General
Secretaries to succeed the position of the General Secretary.
iii) In the absence of the General Secretary, the Executive Committee
shall appoint one of the Assistant General Secretaries to act for him.
(e) The Treasurer
i) The Treasurer shall conduct the finance of the Association.
ii) The Treasurer shall keep accounts of income and expenditure.
iii) The Treasurer shall report monthly balance of accounts to the
Executive Committee.
iv) At least fourteen (14) days before the Annual General Meeting, the
Treasurer shall submit to the ExCo an audited balance sheet showing
the affairs of the Association and Statement of Income and Expenditure
showing the result of the operation of the Association.
v) The Treasurer shall keep all funds and collect all monies on behalf of
the Association and keep accounts of all monetary accounts of the
Association and shall be responsible for their correctness.
(f) The Assistant Treasurer
i) The Assistant Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer in his duties
ii) In the event of the Treasurer’s position falling vacant, the Executive
Committee shall appoint one of the Assistant Treasurers to succeed
the position of the Treasurer
iii) In the absence of the Treasurer, the Executive Committee shall appoint
one of the Assistant Treasurers to act for him.


(g) The Social Secretary
i) The Social Secretary shall be responsible for all the social activities of
the Association and shall also be responsible for all requests for
information from the public.
(h) The Assistant Social Secretary
i) The Assistant Social Secretary shall assist the Social Secretary in his
ii) In the event of the Social Secretary’s position falling vacant, the
Executive Committee shall appoint the Assistant Social Secretary to
succeed the position of the Social Secretary
iii) In the absence of the Social Secretary, the Executive Committee shall
the Assistant Social Secretary to act for him.
(i) The Culture and Education Secretary
i) The Culture and Education Secretary shall be responsible for all
educational programmes conducted by the Association.
ii) The Culture and Education Secretary shall be responsible for the
application of all the Association’s scholarships and bursaries.
(j) The Assistant Culture and Education Secretary
i) The Culture and Assistant Education Secretary shall assist the
Education Secretary in his duties.
ii) In the event of the Culture and Education Secretary’s position falling
vacant, the ExCo shall appoint the Culture and Assistant Education
Secretary to succeed the position of the Culture and Education
iii) In the absence of the Culture and Education Secretary, the ExCo shall
appoint the Culture and Assistant Education Secretary to act for him.
(k) The Recreational Secretary
i) The Recreational Secretary shall deal with all matters relating to
recreational activities as may be approved by the Association from time
to time.
ii) The Recreational Secretary shall be responsible for all matters relating
to charitable endeavours of the Association.
(l) The Assistant Recreational Secretary
i) The Assistant Recreational Secretary shall assist the Recreational
Secretary in his duties
ii) In the event of the Recreational Secretary’s position falling vacant, the
Executive Committee shall appoint the Assistant Recreational
Secretary to succeed the position of the Recreational Secretary.
iii) In the absence of the Recreational Secretary, the Executive Committee
shall appoint the Assistant Recreational Secretary to act for him.


(m) The Youth Secretary
i) The Youth Secretary shall promote youth membership and organize
youth activities.
(n) The Assistant Youth Secretary
i) The Assistant Youth Secretary shall assist the Youth Secretary in his
ii) In the event of the Youth Secretary’s position falling vacant, the
Executive Committee shall appoint the Assistant Youth Secretary to
succeed the position of the Youth Secretary
iii) In the absence of the Youth Secretary, the Executive Committee shall
appoint the Assistant Youth Secretary to act for him.
(o) The Woman Secretary
i) The Woman Secretary shall promote woman membership and organize
woman activities.
(p) The Assistant Woman Secretary
i) The Assistant Woman Secretary shall assist the Woman Secretary in
her duties
ii) In the event of the Woman Secretary’s position falling vacant, the
Executive Committee shall appoint the Assistant Woman Secretary to
succeed the position of the Woman Secretary
iii) In the absence of the Woman Secretary, the Executive Committee shall
appoint the Assistant Woman Secretary to act for him.
(q) The Publications Secretary
i) The Publications Secretary shall be responsible for the management
and update of the website of the Association.
ii) The Publications Secretary shall be responsible for public relations and
marketing campaigns in accordance with the general strategic direction
of the Association.
iii) The Publications Secretary shall be responsible for all cultural
exchanges between the Association and external parties.
(r) The Assistant Publications Secretary
i) The Assistant Publications Secretary shall assist the Publications
Secretary in his duties.
ii) In the event of the Publications Secretary’s position falling vacant, the
Executive Committee shall appoint the Assistant Publications Secretary
to succeed the position of the Publications Secretary.
iii) In the absence of the Publications Secretary, the Executive Committee
shall appoint the Assistant Publications Secretary to act for him..
(s) Ordinary Executive Committee Members


The Ordinary ExCo Members shall: –
i) Assist the principal office-bearers in the performance of their duties;
ii) Act as liaison between the ExCo and the members.

1. The tenure of the above Executive Committee Members shall be for two (2)
years. All shall be eligible for re-election except the following: –
(A) The President shall not be re-elected to the same post after a successive
three term of office.
(B) The Treasurer shall not be re-elected to the same post for a consecutive
term of office.
2. The outgoing Executive Committee shall continue in office until the new in-
coming Committee has been elected at the Annual General Meeting.
3. The outgoing Executive Committee shall within one (1) week, hand over all
files, records and monies of the Association to the new Executive
4. The members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by way of ballot at
an annual general meeting.
5. No member who is a bankrupt is eligible to hold any office in any Committee.
6. Any changes in the Executive Committee shall be notified to the Registrar of
Societies within two (2) weeks of the change.
1. The Committee of Trustees of Property shall:-
(i) be responsible for the custody of all properties of the Association and shall
sign all title deeds of the Association of immovable properties;
(ii) consist of three(3) Members to be elected by the Members at General
Meeting of the Association; and
(iii) indefinitely hold office until replaced by the Members of the Association in
the General Meetings.
2. The office of the trustee shall be vacated in any of the following events:
(i) the trustee passed away;
(ii) the trustee becomes a lunatic or is of unsound mind;

(iii) the trustee is absent from Singapore for a continuous period of more than
one (1) calendar year;
(iv) the trustee is guilty of misconduct of such kind as to render him or her
undesirable that he continues to act as a trustee;
(v) if the trustee submits notice of his resignation from his trusteeship; or
(vi) bankruptcy of the trustee.
3. Notice of any proposal to remove a trustee from his trusteeship or to appoint a
new trustee to fill a vacancy must be given before the General Meeting
at which the proposal is to be discussed. The Registrar of Societies shall then
be notified of the outcome of the General Meeting.
4. The Registrar of Societies must be notified of the address of immovable
properties, and any subsequent change if there are any.

The Supervisory Committee shall:-
(a) decide on matters of punishment for members who infringe the Constitution of
the Association;
(b) supervise the accounts of the Association;
(c) investigate and suggest all matters that have to be carried out by the
Association; and
(d) consist of one(1) Chairman, one(1) Vice Chairman and four(4) other members.
The Tenure of the above Supervisory Committee members shall be for two (2)
years. All members of the Supervisory Committee shall be eligible for re-election.


The Standing Committee shall consist of six (6) members whose duties are to:-
i) oversee all the activities of the ExCo; and
ii) manage all urgent and important affairs or matters, which cannot wait for the
decision of ExCo. All resolutions made shall be reported to the ExCo Meeting
for confirmation.
The Tenure of the Standing Committee members shall be for two (2) years. All
members of the Standing Committee shall be eligible for re-election.


1. Two (2) Honorary Auditors who shall not be in the ExCo shall be elected at the
Annual General Meeting and a firm of professional auditors shall be appointed.
2. The professional auditors shall audit the annual accounts of the Association
which shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting.

3. The tenure of office of the Honorary Auditors shall be for two (2) years and
shall be eligible for re-election. The Honorary Auditors may be required by the
ExCo to audit the Association’s accounts for any period and make a report to
the ExCo.


1. The expense of the Association shall be divided into two (2) categories:-
(a) Ordinary Expenses
(b) Special Expenses
Ordinary Expense shall be paid out of the following incomes:-
(i) entrance fees of the Members
(ii) Incomes derived from the Association’s properties and funds
Special Expenses – In case of charities and public benefits and any case that
the Association may approve, then special voluntary donations shall be
obtained among the members for such purpose.
2. The President of the Association shall have the right to spend a sum of not
more than $5,000.00 for the expenses of the Association. Any sums that
are above $5,000.00 shall have to be approved by the ExCo Meeting and any
sums above $20,000.00 have to be decided by the Members at the General
Meeting of the Association.
3. All cheques of the Association must be signed by one (1) of the following office
(i) President
(ii) Vice President
(iii) General Secretary
and countersigned by the Treasurer or the Assistant Treasurer before they are
4. All cash received by the Association shall be duly banked into the account of
the Association.
5. The Treasurer shall not have more than $1,000.00 cash in hand in his
possession, to be kept at the General Secretary’s office at the premises of the
6. All transactions of immovable property belonging to the Association have to be
approved at the General Meeting of the Association.


The supreme authority of the Association is vested in a General Meeting of the


1. Annual General Meeting
(a) The Annual General Meeting shall be held every year in the month of June.
(b) The Chairman of the Annual General Meeting shall be elected at this the
(c) The Agenda shall consist of the following:-
i) The Annual Report
ii) Audited Balance Sheet
iii) Audited Statement of Income and Expenditure for the previous year
iv) Election of office-bearer and committee members, if applicable
v) Any other matters of which notice in writing have been given to the
General Secretary at least three (3) days before the meeting.
(d) Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be given to members not less
than fourteen (14) days before the date of the meeting together with the
provisional agenda to be advertised in the local newspaper.
(e) The quorum necessary for convening the Annual General Meeting shall not
be less than 40 members present in person. In the event of there being no
quorum, the meeting shall be adjourned for a period of half an hour and
should the number then present be insufficient to form a quorum, those
present shall be considered a quorum, but they shall have no power to
alter, amend or make additions to an of the existing articles of this
2. Extraordinary General Meeting
An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened by the General Secretary
(a) on the instruction of the Executive Committee
(b) on the instruction of the President
(c) on the written application to the General Secretary of at least fourteen (14)
members of the Association with a written statement of the purpose for
which a meeting is desired. Such a meeting shall be held within thirty (30)
days of the receipt of the application.
(d) Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting shall be given to the members not
less than seven (7)days before the date of the meeting and shall be
advertised in the local newspapers.
(e) Only matters for such an Extraordinary General Meeting is convened shall
be on the agenda.
(f) The quorum necessary for convening the Annual General Meeting as
provided in Article XVIII Clause 1(e) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the
Extraordinary General Meeting.
3. Executive Committee Meeting
(a) Meeting of the Executive Committee shall be held at least once every three
(3) months and notice of such meeting shall be given to members not less
than seven (7) days before the date of the meeting.

(b) In the absence of the President or Vice President one (1) member of the
Executive Committee, other than the General Secretary, shall be elected to
preside over the meeting.
(c) The quorum for an Executive Committee meeting must consist of more
than one third of its members and any resolutions would be carried if more
than half of the members present approved of them or voted for them. If
the number on both sides is equal, then the President shall have the
casting vote. If the quorum is not sufficient, then the meeting shall be
(d) The President of the ExCo or three (3) members of the ExCo may convene
an ExCo Meeting when the need arises.
(e) The ExCo meeting shall be presided by the Chairman of ExCo.
4. Supervisory Committee Meeting
(a) The Supervisory Committee meeting shall be convened if considered
necessary by the Chairman of the Supervisory Committee or by three (3) of
its members.
(b) Notice of the Supervisory Committee meeting shall be given to members
not less than seven (7) days before the meeting.
(c) The quorum necessary for convening the Supervisory Committee meeting
must consist of more than half of its members and approval obtained with
the consent of more than half of the members present. If the quorum is not
sufficient, then the meeting shall be postponed.
5. Standing Committee Meeting
(a) There is no fixed date for Standing Committee Meeting.
(b) If deemed necessary, the Standing Committee Meeting shall be held. More
than half of the Committee members present shall form a quorum and the
resolution shall be passed by the assent of more than half of those present


1. Any amendments to the Constitution shall be made at the General Meeting.
2. The proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be made in writing to the
General Secretary at least fourteen (14) days before the General Meeting.
3. The Proposed amendments shall be made known in full to the members of the
Association at least seven (7) days before the General Meeting.
4. Amendments to the Constitution shall be carried out only if more than half of
the members present at the meeting shall have voted in favour of the
5. No amendments to the Constitution shall come into force without the prior
sanction of the Registrar of Societies.



Voting for the election of office bearers and auditors shall be by secret ballot at the
annual general meeting.

Any Member of the Association who:
(a) fails to abide by the Constitution;
(b) decisions of meetings of the Association;
(c) damages the good reputation of the Association and hinder the progress of the
Association’s business; and
(d) creates troubles and causes embarrassment to the Association by using the
name of the Association for his own ulterior motives,
shall have their membership cancelled by the Executive Committee after a full
report is made by the Executive and Supervisory Committees whose decision shall
be final and conclusive.

1. Those who are Members of the Lee clan and with good reputation may be
appointed as Life Honorary Presidents, Emerius Presidents, Honorary
Presidents, Honorary Directors, Emeritus Directors Honorary Advisors and
Advisors of the Association.
ExCo is empowered to make such conferment.
2. Such holders shall have the rights to stand for election and hold office and to
vote in the election provided that they are not otherwise disqualified from doing
so under the laws of Singapore and the provisions of this Constitution.
3. Members or staff of the Association who show outstanding accomplishments
towards the Association shall be rewarded by the joint meeting of the
Executive Committee and the Supervisory Committee.


Any member may resign from the Association by giving one (1) month notice in
writing to the General Secretary and shall pay all arrears of fees due to the

(a) Gambling of any kind excluding the promotion or conduct of a private lottery
which has been permitted under the Private Lotteries Act Cap 250, is forbidden
on the Association’s premises. The introduction of materials for gambling or
drug taking and of bad characters into the premises is prohibited.
(b) The funds of the Association shall not be used to pay the fines of members who
have been convicted in court.
(c) The Association shall not hold any lottery, whether confined to its members or
not, in the name of the Association, office-bearers, committees or members.
(d) The Association shall not engage in any Trade Union activity as defined in any
written law relating to trade unions for the time being in force in Singapore.
(e) The Association shall not indulge in any political activity or allow its funds
and/or premise to be used for political purposes.
(f) The Association shall not attempt to restrict or interfere with trade or make
directly or indirectly any recommendation to, any arrangement with its
members which has the purpose or is likely to have the effect of fixing or
controlling the price or any discount, allowance or rebate relating to any goods
or service which adversely affect consumer interests.
(g) The Association shall not raise funds from the public for whatsoever purposes
without the prior approval in writing of the Head, Licensing Division, Singapore
Police Force and other relevant authorities.


(a) The Association shall not be dissolved except with the consent of not less than
three-fourths of the total number of voting members for the time being resident
in Singapore, expressed either in person or by proxy at a General Meeting
convened for the purpose.
(a) In the event of the Association being dissolved as provided above, all debts
and liabilities legally incurred on behalf of the Association shall be fully
discharged and the remaining funds shall be donated for charitable
purposes to a registered charity in Singapore.
(b) Notice of dissolution shall be given within seven (7) days of the dissolution
to the Registrar of Societies.


(a) In the events of any contradiction or incompleteness in the Constitution, the
ExCo is empower to make the final clarification.


(a) This Constitution may be translated to other languages other than English.
In the event of any inconsistencies, the English version shall prevail.

The name of the Association shall be called “SINGAPORE LEE CLAN GENERAL ASSOCIATION” (hereinafter referred to as “the Association”)
The place of business of the Association shall be at No. 363-A Jalan Besar, Singapore 208994.
The object of the Association is to foster relationship among members of the Lee Clan, unity and mutual co-operation, mediation and education. 
(A) Individual Members:
The Association shall not have any restriction in admission of individual members to different dialect and sex. Those who are of the Lee Clan and above the age of twenty-one (21) years with good conduct and suitable employment are eligible for individual membership of the Association.
(B) Affiliate Members:
All other clan organizations of the Lee Surname are eligible for affiliate membership and may send in two (2) representatives to the Association.
(c) Life Members:
The same conditions are applicable to individual members shall also apply to life members except that life members will have to pay such higher entrance fees as determined from time to time by the Executive Committee, subject to the approval of the general boy. Life members will be exempted from paying subscription fee.
(A) Individual Members:
Must fill in the name, nationality, sex, employment and address on the application forms as may be prescribed by the Association from time to time and will only be admitted with the recommendation of a member of the Association.
(B) Affiliate Members:
Clan organizations must first apply in writing to the Association for admission as affiliate members.  The Executive Committee of the Association will then consider such application and after approval, application forms will be issued on which must be filled the name, address and the total membership of the organization concerned.
(C) Life Members:
Must fill in the name, nationality, sex, employment, address and such other particulars on the application forms as may be prescribed by the Association from time to time and may only be admitted with the recommendation of a member of the Association.
(D) An individual or Lee Clan Organisation wishing to be members of the Association, apart from the application and payment of entrance fees, shall have to be approved by the Executive Committee meeting of the Association, and membership cards issued before they are effective.
(E) Members of the Lee Clan who are residing outside Singapore and wish to be members of the Association shall be subject to the same procedure as outlined under Article IV to Article VII.
The entrance fees and the subscription fees shall be for such amount and payable at such intervals as proposed by the Executive Committee from time to time, subject to the approval of the general body. Life members of the Association shall be exempt from payment of subscription fees.
(A) If a member’s subscription fees have been in arrears for 6 months, the Secretary shall give him a notice to make the payment within two weeks from the date thereof. If he fails to do so, he shall be denied the privileges of membership until he settles his payment. If a member’s subscription falls into arrears for one year, he shall be served with two weeks’ notice to settle all his dues, if he fails to do so, he shall be regarded as having voluntarily given up his membership.
(B) Any deprived member may apply for re-admission and on re-admission the member concerned shall pay all arrears of subscriptions to the Association.
(C) Any member who changes his address must report to the Association within two weeks.
(A) All individual Members shall have
(i) the right to elect and to be elected
(ii) the right to speak and vote at general meetings of the Association
(iii) the right to use the amenities of the Association and such other privileges as may be conferred by the Association from time to time.
(B) Affiliate members shall have no right to vote, to elect and to be elected.
Each member of the Association shall
(i) abide by the articles of the Constitution
(ii) abide by all the decisions of the Association
(iii) not act in any way inconsistent with the object of the constitution or in any manner detrimental to the interest or welfare of the Association.
The duration of affiliate members shall be from the Annual General Meeting to the next Annual General Meeting.
The following committees shall be elected once every two (2) years at the annual general meeting of the Members of the Association: –
(A) Standing Committee – 6 members   
(B) Executive Committee – 41 members
(C) Supervisory Committee – 6 members 
(D) Committee of Trustees of Property – 3 members
In all the above Committees each affiliate organization may send two (2) observers. Observers shall have right to speak but have no right to vote at such meetings.
The administration of the Association shall be in the hands of the Executive Committee.
(1) Composition
(A) The Executive Committee shall be elected by the individual members of the Association as provided for in these Articles. 
Members elected into the Executive Committee shall by secret ballot elect from amongst themselves all the office-bearers as provide for in Article XII (1) (B).
(B) The Executive Committee shall consist of the following:
(i) The President
(ii) Two (2) Vice-Presidents
(iii) The General Secretary
(iv) Two (2) Assistant General
(v) The Treasurer
(vi) Two (2) Assistant Treasurers
(vii) The Social Secretary
(viii) Two (2) Assistant Social Secretaries
(ix) The Welfare Secretary
(x) Two (2) Assistant Welfare Secretaries
(xi) The Education Secretary
(xii) Two (2) Assistant Education Secretaries
(xiii) The Construction Secretary 
(xiv) Two (2) Assistant Construction Secretaries
(xv) The Recreational Secretary
(xvi) Two (2) Assistant Recreational Secretaries
(xvii) The Correspondence Secretary
(xviii) Two (2) Assistant Correspondence Secretaries
(xix) The Public Relations Secretary
(xx) Two (2) Assistant Public Relations Secretaries
(xxi) The Youth Secretary
(xxii) Two (2) Assistant Youth Secretaries
(xxiii) The Woman Secretary
(xxiv) Two (2) Assistant Women Secretaries
(xxv) Five (5) Ordinary Executive Member
(2) Powers
The Executive Committee shall have powers to:-
(a) appoint sub-committees and exercise control over such sub-committees
(b) invite members to participate in its deliberation, such members shall not have the right to vote
(c) accept the resignation of any member of the Executive Committee or any other Committee of the Association and fill the vacancy thus arising when necessary
(d) call all meetings of the Association notwithstanding any other provisions of this constitution
(e) recommend at the general meeting the removal of the name of any member from the register who has acted in a manner detrimental to the good name of the Association.
(3) Duties
The Executive Committee shall:-
(a) be responsible for carrying out the objects as laid down in the constitution
(b) carry out resolutions of general meetings of members
(c) control the finance of the Association and manage all the properties of the Association
(d) co-opt members to fill any vacancies in the Executive Committee.
(4) Powers and Duties of Executive Members
(a) The President
i) The President shall be the chairman of the Executive Committee
ii) The President shall have the right to call meetings of the Executive Committee
iii) The President shall have the casting vote
iv) The President shall represent the Association in its external affairs.
(b) The Vice President
i) In the absence of the President, the Executive Committee shall appoint one of the Vice Presidents to act for him
ii) In the event of the President’s position falling vacant, the Executive Committee shall appoint one of the Vice Presidents to succeed the position of the President
iii) The Vice President shall assist the President in his duties.
(c)The General Secretary
i) The General Secretary shall have charge of the Association’s records and conduct the correspondence of the Association
ii) The General Secretary shall be responsible for all the publicity of the Association’s projects
iii) The General Secretary shall be responsible for all matters relating to the convening of meetings of the Executive Committee.
iv) The General Secretary shall keep the minutes of all such meetings
v) The General Secretary shall submit at such meetings any matter for discussion received from members of the Association
vi) The General Secretary shall submit on behalf of the Executive Committee the annual report of the Association at the annual general meeting
vii) In the event of the Executive Committee going out of office before the completion of its term, the General Secretary shall submit on its behalf a report of the Association covering its period of office to the General Secretary of the incoming committee within four (4) weeks.
(d)The Assistant General Secretary
i) The Assistant General Secretary shall assist the General Secretary in his duties
ii) In the event of the General Secretary’s position falling vacant, the Executive Committee shall appoint one of the Assistant General Secretaries to succeed the position of the General Secretary
iii) In the absence of the General Secretary, the Executive Committee shall appoint one of the Assistant General Secretaries to act for him.
(e) The Treasurer
i) The Treasurer shall conduct the finance of the Association
ii) The Treasurer shall keep accounts of income and expenditure
iii) The Treasurer shall report monthly balance of accounts to the Executive Committee
iv) At least fourteen (14) days before the Annual General Meeting, the Treasurer shall submit to the Executive Committee an audited balance sheet showing the affairs of the Association and Statement of Income and Expenditure showing the result of the operation of the Association.
v) The Treasurer shall keep all funds and collect all monies on behalf of the Association and keep accounts of all monetary accounts of the Association and shall be responsible for their correctness.
(f) The Assistant Treasurer
i) The Assistant Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer in his duties
ii) In the event of the Treasurer’s position falling vacant, the Executive Committee shall appoint one of the Assistant Treasurers to succeed the position of the Treasurer
iii) In the absence of the Treasurer, the Executive Committee shall appoint one of the Assistant Treasurers to act for him.
(g) The Social Secretary
i) The Social Secretary shall be responsible for all the social activities of the Association
ii) The Social Secretary shall organize the Association’s annual dinner with the assistance of the other Executive Committee members.
(h) The Assistant Social Secretary
i) The Assistant Social Secretary shall assist the Social Secretary in his duties
ii) In the event of the Social Secretary’s position falling vacant, the Executive Committee shall appoint one of the Assistant Social Secretaries to succeed the position of the Social Secretary
iii) in the absence of the Social Secretary, the Executive Committee shall appoint one of the Assistant Social Secretaries to act for him.
(i) The Welfare Secretary
i) The Welfare Secretary shall be responsible for the welfare and charitable activities of the Association.
(j) The Assistant Welfare Secretary
i) The Assistant Welfare Secretary shall assist the Welfare Secretary in his duties
ii) In the event of the Welfare Secretary’s position falling vacant, the Executive Committee shall appoint one of the Assistant Welfare Secretaries to succeed the position of the Welfare Secretary
iii) In the absence of the Welfare Secretary, the Executive Committee shall appoint one of the Assistant Welfare Secretaries to act for him.
(k) The Education Secretary
i) The Education Secretary shall be responsible for all educational programmes conducted by the Association
ii) The Education Secretary shall be responsible for the application of all the Association’s scholarships and bursaries.
(I) The Assistant Education Secretary
i) The Assistant Education Secretary shall assist the Education Secretary in his duties
ii) In the event of the Education Secretary’s position falling vacant, the Executive Committee shall appoint one of the Assistant Education Secretaries to succeed the position of the Education Secretary
iii) In the absence of the Education Secretary, the Executive Committee shall appoint one of the Assistant Education Secretaries to act for him.
(m) The Construction Secretary
i) The Construction Secretary shall be responsible for all construction activities and schemes as may be approved by the Association from time to time
ii) The Construction Secretary shall be responsible for the repair and maintenance of the property, fixture and fitting, furniture and equipments of the association.
(n) The Assistant Construction Secretary
i) The Assistant Construction Secretary shall assist the Construction Secretary in his duties
ii) In the event of the Construction Secretary’s position falling vacant, the Executive Committee shall appoint one of the Assistant Construction Secretaries to succeed the position of the Construction Secretary
iii) In the absence of the Construction Secretary, the Executive Committee shall appoint one of the Assistant Construction Secretaries to act for him.
(o) The Recreational Secretary
i) The Recreational Secretary shall deal with all matters relating to recreational activities as may be approved by the Association from time to time.
(p) The Assistant Recreational Secretary
i) The Assistant Recreational Secretary shall assist the Recreational Secretary in his duties
iii) In the event of the Recreational Secretary’s position falling vacant, the Executive Committee shall appoint one of the Assistant Recreational Secretaries to succeed the position of the Recreational Secretary
iv) In the absence of the Recreational Secretary, the Executive Committee shall appoint one of the Assistant Recreational Secretaries to act for him.
(q) The Correspondence Secretary
i) The Correspondence Secretary shall be responsible for all the conduct of all correspondence of the Association and the recording of all executive committee meetings and general meeting of the Association.
(r) The Assistant Correspondence Secretary
i) The Assistant Correspondence Secretary assist the Correspondence Secretary in his duties
ii) In the event of the Correspondence Secretary’s position falling vacant, the Executive Committee shall appoint one of the Assistant Correspondence Secretaries to succeed the position of the Correspondence Secretary
iii) In the absence of the Correspondence Secretary, the Executive              Committee shall appoint one of the Assistant Correspondence                      Secretaries to act for him.
(s)The Public Relations Secretary
i) The Public Relations Secretary shall attend to public enquires and matters.
(t) The Assistant Public Relations Secretary 
i) The Assistant Public Relations Secretary shall assist the Public Relations Secretary in his duties 
ii) In the event of the Public Relations Secretary’s position falling vacant, the Executive Committee shall appoint one of the Assistant Public Relations Secretaries to succeed the position of the Public Relations  Secretary
iii) In the absence of the Public Relations Secretary, the Executive Committee shall appoint one of the Assistant Public Relations Secretaries to act for him.
(u) The Youth Secretary
i) The Youth Secretary shall promote youth membership and organize youth activities.
(v) The Assistant Youth Secretary 
i) The Assistant Youth Secretary shall assist the Youth Secretary in his duties
ii) In the event of the Youth Secretary’s position falling vacant, the Executive Committee shall appoint one of the Assistant Youth Secretaries to succeed the position of the Youth Secretary
iii) In the absence of the Youth Secretary, the Executive Committee shall appoint one of the Assistant Youth Secretaries to act for him.
(w)The Woman Secretary
i) The Woman Secretary shall promote woman membership and organize woman activities.
(x) The Assistant Woman Secretary
i) The Assistant Woman Secretary shall assist the Woman Secretary in her duties
ii) In the event of the Woman Secretary’s position falling vacant, the Executive Committee shall appoint one of the Assistant Woman Secretaries to succeed the position of the Woman Secretaries
iii) In the absence of the Woman Secretary, the Executive Committee shall appoint one of the Assistant Woman Secretaries to act for him.
(y) Ordinary Executive Committee Members
The Ordinary Executive Committee Members shall: –
i) assist the principal office-bearers in the performance of their duties
ii) act as liaison between the Executive Committee and the members.
1. The tenure of the above Executive Committee Members shall be for two (2) years. All shall be eligible for re-election except the following: –
(A) The President shall not be re-elected to the same post after a successive second term as President.
(B) The Treasurer shall not be re-elected to the same post for a consecutive term of office.
2. The outgoing Executive Committee shall continue in office until the new in-coming Committee has been elected at the Annual General Meeting.
3. The outgoing Executive Committee shall within one (1) week, hand over all files, records and monies of the Association to the new Executive Committee.
4. The members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by way of double named ballot and the representatives of affiliate organizations shall automatically become observers in the Executive Committee.
5. No member who is a bankrupt is eligible to hold any office in any Committee.
The Committee of Trustees of Property shall:-
1. be responsible for the custody of all properties of the Association and shall sign all title deeds of the Association of immovable properties.
2. consist of three(3) members to be elected by the members at General Meeting of the Association.
3. The terms of their office is indefinite until replaced by the members of the Association in the General Meetings.
4. Should the Association decide to purchase any immovable property it shall be placed in the hands of the trustees and a Deed of declaration shall be executed and duly signed by the trustees concerned holding the said properties in trust for the Association. In the event of the death or insanity or bankruptcy or absence from the Republic over a period of one (1) year of any of the trustees, he shall be deemed to have been relinquished of his own accord his post and responsibilities as a trustee of the Association. The Association shall in that event appoint another person to fill the post vacated. Any change or re-appointment of trustees shall be notified to the Registrar of Societies. 
The Supervisory Committee shall:-
(a) decide on matters of punishment for members who infringe the Articles of the Constitution of the Association
(b) supervise the accounts of the Association
(c) investigate and suggest all matters that have to be carried out by the Association
(d) consist of one(1) Chairman, one(1) Vice Chairman and four(4) other members.
The Tenure of the above Supervisory Committee members shall be for two (2) years. All members of the Supervisory Committee shall be eligible for re-election.
The Standing Committee shall consist of six (6) members whose duties are to:-
i)   oversea all the activities of the Executive Committee
ii) manage all urgent and important affairs or matters, which cannot wait for the  decision of Executive Committee. All resolution made shall be reported to the Executive Committee Meeting for confirmation.
The Tenure of the Standing Committee members shall be for two (2) years. All members of  the Standing Committee shall be eligible for re-election.
1. The expense of the Association shall be divided into two (2) categories:-
(a) Ordinary Expenses
(b) Special Expenses
Ordinary Expense shall be paid out of the following incomes:-
(i) entrance fees and monthly subscriptions of the members
(ii) interest derived from the Association’s properties and funds
Special Expenses – In case of charities and public benefits and any case that the Association may approve, then special voluntary donations shall be obtained among the members for such purpose.
2. The President of the Association shall have the right to spend a sum of not more than $5,000.00 for the expenses of the Association. Any sums that are above $5,000.00 shall have to be approved by the Executive Committee Meeting and any sums above $20,000.00 have to be decided by the members at the General Meeting of the Association. 
3. All cheques of the Association must be signed by one (1) of the following office bearers:-
(i) President
(ii) Vice President
(iii) General Secretary 
and countersigned by the Treasurer or the Assistant Treasurer and contain the Association’s official chop before they are valid.
4. All cash received by the Association shall be duly banked into the account of the Association.
5. The Treasure shall not have more than $1,000.00 cash in hand in his possession.
6. All transactions of property belonging to the Association whether big or small have to be approved at the General Meeting of the Association.
As regard to matters of celebration and funeral service, those sending invitation cards or written notices shall be presented with a gift not costing more than $2,000.00. This is applicable to those who are not in arrears with their monthly subscription. As for night visits and funeral attendance, it is entirely left to the members.
1. Annual General Meeting
(a) The Annual General Meeting shall be held every year in the month of April.
(b) The Chairman of the Annual General Meeting shall be elected there and then immediately prior to the meeting.
(c) The Agenda shall consist of the following:-
i)    The Annual Report
ii) Audited Balance Sheet
iii)  Audited Statement of Income and Expenditure for the previous year
iv) Election of office-bearer and committee members, if applicable
v) Any other matters of which notice in writing have been given to the General Secretary at least three (3) days before the meeting.
(d) Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be given to members not less than fourteen (14) days before the date of the meeting together with the provisional agenda to be advertised in the local newspaper.
(e) Only persons who have enrolled and paid up their subscriptions for that year before the commencement of the Annual General Meeting shall be permitted to exercise full membership rights.
(f) The quorum necessary for convening the Annual General Meeting shall not be less than 50 members present in person or 20% of the voting membership of the Association whichever is the less. In the event of there being no quorum, the meeting shall be adjourned for a period of half an hour and should the number then present be insufficient to form a quorum, those present shall be considered a quorum, but they shall have no power to alter, amend or make additions to an of the existing articles of this Constitution.
2. Extraordinary General Meeting
The Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened by the General Secretary 
(a) on the instruction of the Executive Committee
(b) on the instruction of the President
(c) on the written application to the General Secretary of at least fourteen (14) members of   the Association with a written statement of the purpose for which a meeting is desired. Such a meeting shall be held within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the application.
(d) Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting shall be given to the members not less than seven (7)days before the date of the meeting and shall be advertised in the local newspapers.
(e) Only matters for such an Extraordinary General Meeting is convened shall be on the agenda.
(f) The quorum necessary for convening the Annual General Meeting as provided in Article XIX Clause 1(f) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Extraordinary General Meeting.
3. Executive Committee Meeting
(a) Meeting of the Executive Committee shall be held at least once every two (2) months and notice of such meeting shall be given to members not less than seven (7) days before the date of the meeting.
(b) Any member of the Executive Committee who absents himself from more than three (3) consecutive meetings shall be deemed to have vacated his post.
(c) In the absence of the President or Vice President one (1) member of the Executive Committee, other than the General Secretary, shall be elected to preside over the meeting.
(d) The quorum for an Executive Committee meeting must consist of more than one third of its members and any resolutions would be carried if more than half of the members present approved of them or voted for them. If the number on both sides is equal, then the President shall have the casting vote. If the quorum is not sufficient, then the meeting shall be postponed.
(e) The President of the Executive Committee or three (3) members of the Executive Committee may convene an Executive Committee Meeting when the need arises.
(f) The Executive Committee meeting shall be presided by the Chairman of Executive     Committee.
4. Supervisory Committee Meeting
(a) The Supervisory Committee meeting shall be convened if considered necessary by the Chairman of the Supervisory Committee or by three (3) of its members.
(b) Notice of the Supervisory Committee meeting shall be given to members not less than seven (7) days before the meeting.
(c) The quorum necessary for convening the Supervisory Committee meeting must consist of more than half of its members and approval obtained with the consent of more than half of the members present. If the quorum is not sufficient, then the meeting shall be postponed.
5. Standing Committee Meeting
(a) There is no fixed date for Standing Committee Meeting.
(b) If deemed necessary, the Standing Committee Meeting shall be held. More than half of the Committee members present shall form a quorum and the resolution shall be passed by the assent of more than half of those present
1. Any amendments to the Constitution shall be made at the General Meeting.
2. The proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be made in writing to the General Secretary at least fourteen (14) days before the General Meeting.
3. The Proposed amendments shall be made known in full to the members of the Association at least seven (7) days before the General Meeting.
4. Amendments to the Constitution shall be carried out only if more than half of the members present at the meeting shall have voted in favour of the amendments.
5. No amendments to the Constitution shall come into force without the prior sanction of the Registrar of Societies.
Voting for the election of office bearers and auditors shall be by secret ballot.
Any member of the Association who
(a) fails to abide by the Articles of the Association and decisions of meetings of the Association
(b) damages the good reputation of the Association and hinder the progress of the Association’s business
(c) creates troubles and causes embarrassment to the Association by using the name of the Association for his own ulterior motives
(d) refuses to pay subscriptions as provided in Article VII
shall have their membership cancelled by the Executive Committee after a full report is made by the Executive and Supervisory Committees whose decision shall be final and conclusive.
1. Those who are members of the Lee clan and with good reputation may be appointed as Permanent Honorary Presidents, Honorary Presidents, Honorary Executive Committee Members, Honorary Advisors and Advisors of the Association.
The appointment of Permanent Honorary Presidents and Honorary Presidents is empowered to the Annual General Meeting of members.
The appointment of Honorary Executive Committee Members, Honorary Advisors and Advisors is empowered to the Executive Committee.
2. All Permanent Honorary Presidents and Honorary Presidents shall have the right to stand for election and hold office and to vote in the election provided that they are not otherwise disqualified from doing so under the laws of Singapore and the provisions of this Constitution.
3. Members or staff of the Association who show outstanding accomplishments towards the Association shall be rewarded by the joint meeting of the Executive Committee and the Supervisory Committee.
4. Those who have been invited as become Permanent Honorary Presidents or Honorary  Presidents and with outstanding accomplishments towards the Association shall be rewarded by having his photograph hung in the hall of the Association’s premises.
Any member may resign from the Association by giving one (1) month’s notice in writing to the General Secretary and shall pay all arrears of subscriptions due to the Association.
1. Two (2) Honorary Auditors who shall not be in the Executive Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. Alternatively, a firm of professional accountants shall be appointed.
2. The Honorary Auditors or the professional auditors shall audit the annual accounts of the Association.
3. The tenure of office of the Honorary Auditors shall be for two (2) years and shall be eligible for re-election. The Honorary Auditors or the professional auditors shall be required to submit a report on the audited accounts of the Association which shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting and may be required by the Executive Committee to audit the Association’s accounts for any period and make a report to the Executive Committee.
(a) Gambling of any kind excluding the promotion or conduct of a private lottery which has been permitted under the Private Lotteries Act Cap 250, is forbidden on the Association’s premises. The introduction of materials for gambling or drug taking and of bad characters into the premises is prohibited. 
(b) The funds of the Association shall not be used to pay the fines of members who have been convicted in court.
(c) The Association shall not hold any lottery, whether confined to its members or not, in the name of the Association, office-bearers, committees or members.
(d) The Association shall not engage in any Trade Union activity as defined in any written law relating to trade unions for the time being in force in Singapore.
(e) The Association shall not indulge in any political activity or allow its funds and/or premise to be used for political purposes.
(f) The Association shall not attempt to restrict or interfere with trade or make directly or indirectly any recommendation to, any arrangement with its members which has the purpose or is likely to have the effect of fixing or controlling the price or any discount, allowance or rebate relating to any goods or service which adversely affect consumer interests. 
(g) The Association shall not raise funds from the public for whatsoever purposes without the prior approval in writing of the Head, Licensing Division, Singapore Police Force and other relevant authorities.
(a) The Association shall not be dissolved except with the consent of not less than three-fourths of the total number of voting members for the time being resident in Singapore, expressed either in person or by proxy at a General Meeting convened for the purpose.
(b) In the event of the Association being dissolved as provided above, all debts and liabilities legally incurred on behalf of the Association shall be fully discharged, and the remaining funds will be divided equally amongst the members who have paid all their subscriptions to date of dissolution.
(c) Notice of dissolution shall be given within seven (7) days of the dissolution to the Registrar of Societies.